KMazing – Who doesn’t love this variety show ? It has ups and downs yes, and sometimes it’s funny and other time it’s just worth another hard breath from your lung *sigh* but no once can denied that the member chemistry between them and the interaction is on another level. The character that never overlap between the cast member create a harmony in chaos during several episode which turn out to be an advantage for the show itself. One of the character which more common and depict all the member perfectly are the animal kingdom. The episode received one of the highest rating in television history. Due to the high interest all over the world to the animal kingdom character of Running Man’s member, SBS is now working on animated children show based on the character. SBS will be accompanied by LINE, Naver messenger app to create and design the character based on the 2014’s Running Man Animal Kingdom, where each member is becoming their signature animal.
- Yoo Jae Suk is going to be the ultimate GRASSHOPPER
- Kim Jong Kook as always going to be the TIGER
- Lee Kwang Soo – no surprise here – GIRAFFE
- Haha will be PENGUIN
- Ji Suk Jin, is an IMPALA, and last the Queen
- Song Ji Hyo will be cute little CAT