Imagine being Rapunzel from Tangled with curly hair. Rapunzel’s hair is not even that wavy, but still it takes long time to comb it. Now, what if she got a curly hair – how many hours (or even days) she will take to make her hair neat and presentable? Luckily, women these days got hair diffuser to make it easier drying their hair. It can be said the majority of girls with curly hair cannot be separated from this thing. That’s why the need of best diffuser for curly hair literally escalates over time.
If you just wonder what kind of UFO diffuser is, well it is not an unknown object. You can find it in any online marketplaces easily since many people are using it. A diffuser is an attachment, which is used along with blow dryer. What’s the function? It is used to reduce frizz after hair washing and keep the natural wave or curl nice and undisrupted. Basically, diffuser can work with any types of textured hair, meaning both wavy and curly hair textures can benefit from this thing. However, why does it come to be attached with a blow dryer? Can it be separately used?
Of course, it can be used as something to help you scratch unreachable area, but don’t do that. A diffuser is typically sold separately, but you should only attach it onto your hairdryer’s nozzle. Here, diffuser plays its role as concentrators and it spreads the blow over a broader area in a more controlled way. To use it while drying your hair, you need to place it on a hair section and press the accessory against your scalp. Since wavy and curly hairs are a bit difficult in terms of hair drying, a diffuser helps them to make it dry relatively easier and more controlled than using a regular hair dryer. To get what’s the best diffuser for curly hair, continue reading as we are going to spill the tea on this article.
Why Do You Need That Thing Called Diffuser?
The answer is pretty simple as you can read in previous section: diffuser helps to prevent frizzy hair in textured hair types, such as wavy and curly hair. These hair types tend to be more challenging to deal with, unlike straight hair, curly and wavy-headed ladies often get their strands dry easily. Thanks to that reason, wavy hair is more prone to damage – let the damage comes from styling, chemical substances, and friction between each strand. Compared to wavy hair, curly-haired ladies found it harder to manage their hair if they are not accustomed.
There are many tricks to help avoiding frizzy hair on curly hair. You can see the know-how below:
- Don’t wash your hair too often
Since your curly strands are naturally dry, washing them with chemical substances too often will double the challenge. Your hair needs a pause in dealing with chemical substances in shampoo. Consequently, you should cut back the frequency of washing your hair, or if you really need to wash it, consider choosing a moisturizing shampoo.
- Use conditioner and plan to hair mask your hair.
Using conditioner will help to restore your hair’s moisture too. Allocate your time to do routine hair masking to help rehydrate your curly strands. Choose a hair mask product which is enriched with nourishing oils, so your curly hair can be healthy and shiny.
- A trim will help
Regular haircuts may cost you some more bucks to spend, but it works to distinguish split ends and give an end to hair breakage.
- Give a break for your hair dryer and flat iron. Well, it means you got to halt from doing any styling that requires heat. Your curly hair is already dry naturally, and giving too often heat styling will take down the cuticle, leading to a frizzier hair. It can also make your strands more prone to breakage.
Picking the Best Diffuser for Curly Hair
Curly hair and hair diffuser, if said in exaggerated way, are best friends. Therefore, people with curly hair are in dire need to get a good quality diffuser to make their hair stands out in its unique way. While some can use diffuser from any quality, some others tend to choose whichever claims as ‘best’, and that applies in choosing a diffuser as well.
Picking the best diffuser for curly hair is not that hard, honestly. There is a plethora of people’s reviews on the net and you can compare them in such a head to head comparison. Of course, you will need to plan your budget too. Conducting a little research while looking at people’s reviews will help you much in choosing the best product for your curly hair.
You should send away those lazy things that restrict you from conducting research; it is for the sake of your hair after all. Gathered below are some diffuser products that you can look for its reviews based on people’s experience.
- SindycurlsMagic Hair Diffuser
Aside from its name that looks like an internet username, this diffuser is one among those decent diffusers with unique design. It is a collapsible diffuser, hence space-saving and taking less space in your drawer or (maybe) bag. The other upsides will include its wider bowl and shorter prongs, which are suitable for any types of curl; let it be a longer curl or shorter coiled one. The price is a great deal too.
- Bed Head Curls Diffuser (hair dryer’s built-in diffuser)
Thinking of a combo of hair dryer and a diffuser? You got it right with this product. No wonder this colorful hair dryer with its built-in diffuser got thousands of happy reviews on Amazon. With three heat settings and a cool shot button, seal and define your curl perfectly after diffusing your hair with the heat.
- Conair Diffuser
Oh dear, who can resist the temptation of cheap yet quality products? Conair diffuser serves you right with those qualities. Being one of the best seller diffusers (thanks for its cheap price!), this is a nice fit for most hair dryers. And of course, Conair dryers too as they got dryers as well. Once you stick with this, your damp curls will thank you later.
How to Use a Hair Diffuser
After knowing some brands claimed as the best diffuser for curly hair, it is not funny if you buy it without knowing the know-how to dry your hair using a diffuser. Without further ado, check the steps below.
- Nice curls start from the shower time.
As mentioned earlier, you should not only stick with shampoo and water to wash your hair. The routine should also be enhanced with the use of hair conditioner to restore and enhance the moisture of your just-washed hair. While showering, try to rake your hair, detangling them a bit to ease further steps. For this, you can use a wide-tooth hair comb.
- Only wrap, don’t rub.
This refers to the toweling ‘ritual’ you’ll do after washing your hair. It’s recommended not to use a textured towel since it may cause your hair to break. Get a cotton T-shirt or any water-absorbing cloths to wrap your hair. Remember, don’t rub. Friction is one ultimate cause of damaged hair.
- Rake again
With your fingers, try to detangle your hair section-by-section. Keep in mind you should not force the knot to get untangled. Your damp hair will hate it.
- Now turn on that diffuser!
But wait, you can play with your just-bought hair diffuser by applying heat protector beforehand. Deal with your damp hair with the lowest heat (if possible). To dry your hair, do it section-by-section and you can start from the end first, then slowly leading to the hair roots. Some people said they do not need to get it a hundred percent dry, just 80% is enough already.
Additional Tricks to Style Your Curly Hair
Curly hair is undeniably a bit trickier to manage, but once you get the deal with it, everything starts to be easier as you accustomed, just like other things in life. Aside from getting the best diffuser for curly hair, add a drying-barrier before getting your curly strands into some heat drying and styling, We recommend trying the Curly Girl Method. Products such as hair serum and styling spray will help to avoid frizz as well. Have they worked together with a hair diffuser; your hair will be glad to get such kind of happy treatment.
Actually, blow-drying your curly hair is recommended to be taken as needed only. Plus, using a diffuser will help to reduce the risk of getting a frizzy hair. Since your diffuser will help to distribute that ‘warm hug’ called as airstream, your curly hair will be left bouncy and light. It is a perfect combination as a look enhancer.
There are many products out there helping you to deal with frizzy hair. But just like getting the best diffuser for curly hair, a simple research as simple as reading people’s reviews will help you to decide which product to buy. Also, try to let your hair loose without any hair bands as often as possible. Don’t use narrow-teethed comb too to deal with curly hair. Lastly, cut the use of curl-flattening irons as much as possible, and love that already gorgeous curl.