Top 20 Best Youtube Channels of All Time (Up to 2017)
KMazing – Since its launch in 2005, YouTube has become a big part of the virtual world. Every day, hundreds of hours of videos on Youtube are watched and aired billions of times. No wonder Youtube became the biggest video sharing platform in the world!
As an unlimited video sharing site, YouTube has loads of interesting content. What is your favorite content on Youtube? Daily vlog? Tutorials? Review? Music video? Funny video? But not all Youtube’s content is about entertainment or pranks, you know. There are plenty of channels that provide solid and useful information.
Since it’s huge platform with almost thousands content creator, today we are focusing on the educational side of life, called it health, motivation or even literacy. Enjoy !
Note: The ranks of the channels are sorted as the writer team preferences, there is no correlation between the content, subscribers count or social reception of the channels toward the ranking process.
Anyway, let’s go!
20. Video Influencer
Nowadays, almost everyone wants to be widely known for the content of their vlog. If you are one of them, then first, you must fully understand on how to make a quality video. Well, this Video Influencer channel is ready to guide you to make a good video, so your videos are widely watched and can have a big impact on people!
Health Care Triage
Do you happen to be curious about various information about health policy, medical research, medicine, and health? Well, there is one way simple way for you to catch a glimpse into this medical world without being enrolled in medical school! Because through the Health Care Triage channel, the information is splendidly explained for us all. But still, if you are sick, going to see your doctor is still the best option. Stay healthy guys!
Fight Mediocrity
This channel focuses on educational content, self-improvement, and self-help. Just be ready to add to your knowledge and skills, and in accordance with his name, “fight mediocrity” – is planning to make you “not ordinary”. In addition, the presentation of video-video was exciting, with a dynamic illustration of the handwriting or drawing that will make you less bored while watching.
The School Of Life
As a human being, you are supposed to have a lot of questions that the answer you can not get in school, like, what is empathy really, anyway? Why, how come, people cheating on their partner? Why art is needed in human life? Well, The School of Life tries to answer those questions and is the source of your aspirations for curiosity about philosophy, psychotherapy, literature, art, work, and so on.
SciShow .. as the name implies SciShow channel is about science. Unlike MinutePhysics which only deals with physics, this channel deals with all the branches of science. One of the examples of the video discussed on this channel is why we can not remember when we are babies ? or 10 types of plants that can kill you etc. The presentation of the channel is mimicking those friendly explanations by your more-clever friend which is nice.
TED-Ed is the branch of TED but focusing their impact on presenting the information via animation. The channels fot more than five million subscriber, and full of many scenario and types of video explaining things in life or sometimes you got riddles, where the audience can try to solve the question.
It’s Okay To Be Smart
Produced by PBS Digital Studios, this channel reaches out more than just your usual daily life information but expanding it to “what-if” scenario in life such as Asteroid Mining or Questioning the existential of space. The channel have more than one million subscribers and is presenting their show in such elaborated and specified presentation.
Mental Floss
This one particular channel usually talks about unique facts, misconceptions we got in life. The videos discussed and posted usually contain something unthinkable to us but rather fall very close in proximity to our very own life. The unique facts that were presented in the channels were both surprising and cool at the same time.
Matthew Santoro
The Channels that have 5 million subscribers is usually discussing about unique facts, myths are often trusted by the public and top 10 videos about the facts that are usually surprising *at least for me*. The Playlists included in this channel include Top 10s, Facts in 5, 50 Amazing Facts and 7 Myths You Still Believe.
MinutePhysics is a series of educational videos created by Henry Reich presented and posted via YouTube. The purpose of Reich is “to get people excited about learning something”. This channel has earned over 4 million subscribers and has uploaded over 200+ videos, this unique Video produced by Reich includes time-lapsed drawing to explain related physics topics in about several minutes.
For you who love to exercise, maybe BeFiT will be your favorite channel after this. BeFiT focuses on sports and health content. There are many sports tutorials, ranging from yoga, pilates, cardio, to HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). You will also find a variety of healthy food recipes. The video duration is short enough so it does not take long for you to exercise every day.
Are you a creative person and happy to create a workshop? Try to take your time to watch this one YouTube channel. At SoCraftastic, you can find DIY (Do it Yourself) inspiring videos. There is a tutorial decorating the room, make a pillow, even on how to make the phone case.
Want to hear an inspirational short story? Try pointing your browser to the Upworthy channel. The average uploaded video only lasts 2 minutes but is full of meaning. One of the stories in this channel is about a father who made a special Halloween costume for his son who uses a wheelchair. Previously, wheelchair children could not participate in Halloween parties because there were no costumes they could wear. In addition, there is also a video about students who innovate in the social field. They set up a platform to bring people who have food leftovers to non-profit organizations that need food to share with the needy.
This YouTube Channel has thousands of videos that will inspire, unlock insights, and help you develop. The videos are a recording of a person’s presentation of a topic. For example, self-confidence, zodiac, body language, mathematics, and much more. Most of its videos are presented in English but don’t worry there are several captions that are already translated to make you guys easier to understand the contents.
With its famous “Ideas worth spreading” jargon, this channel is ready to educate you by featuring seminar videos, short lectures, or super inspirational talks, from people who are also inspirational. These channels are divided into Tedx Talks, Ted-Ed TedxYouth, TedFellowTalks, and TedPartner, and each has a different focus.
Veritasium is an educational science channel on YouTube created by Derek Muller who has more than 230 uploads and 4,514,576 subscribers as of December 13, 2017. This channel contains content from interviewing experts such as Nobel Laureate Physics 2011, Brian Schmidt, to science experiments, dramatization, songs, and interviews with the community to uncover any misconceptions about existing science. The owner Derek Muller is a science communicator graduate of Queen’s University, a University of Sydney who has won an online Science Cyberscreen Science Film Festival competition in 2012. The channel name “Veritasium” is a combination of the Latin word for truth, “Veritas”, and general suffix for many ‘-ium’ elements. This creates “Veritasum”, an element of truth, a play on popular sentences and references to scientific elements.
“Hi, Vsauce! Michael here “That’s a typical opening line that is often used in this channel that has subscriber more than 12 million. Though the concept of this channel is simple, which is presenting answers to questions about science. But the style of delivery is enthusiastic, interesting, but still scientifically guaranteed to make you feel at home (and getting smarter!). Plus do not forget, this channel is divided into three, namely Vsauce 1, Vsauce 2, and Vsauce 3. What unique from these channels are they have several subchannels with different host
If you like to feel saturated learning natural knowledge, it means this Youtube channel is perfect for you. Because through AsapScience, learning science so fun, can even make you addicted. Presented with good pictures and cute drawing, this channel also successfully attract more than 7.1 million subscribers.
This channel is almost like a combination between SciShow and MinutePhysics. By combining image illustrations like MinutePhysics and topics like SciShow, this channel is perfect for people who want to watch science with interesting images. The topics most commonly discussed by this channel are the science of love, what happens after you die? the science of motivation and etc.
If you are still in school, maybe this is the channel you should open and subscribe quickly. CrashCourse is a channel that contains a brief description of your lessons at school. This channel is perfect for repeating your teacher’s explanation at school. Topics covered in your subjects in school such as History, Economics, Physics, Biology, Literature, philosophy and so on. As per the name, the topics cover almost everything and roughly chopped into several minutes video but still a very presentation.
Kurzgesagt- In a Nutshell
Back with a channel that talks about unique things, kurzgesagt comes with something like MinutePhysics but interspersed with other things like what happens in iraq ?, will the war end? and etc. With explanations that use animation, the discussion on this channel becomes easier to understand. The animation is stunning and the explanation is always on point. One of the best !
Khan Academy
Khan Academy itself is a non-profit instructive association made in 2006 by Salman Khan with an objective of making an arrangement of online devices that assistance teach students. The association creates short addresses as YouTube videos. Its site additionally incorporates supplementary practice activities and materials for instructors. All assets are accessible to clients of the site. The site and its substance are given basically in English, but at the same time are accessible in different dialects, including Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish, French, Bengali, and Hindi.
The presentation over the channels adopting a mentoring style of lecturing so it feels like you are in a class. The approach using animation or graphics will always be the crucial point of the successful endeavor of this organization.