Why Not Trying Short Hair for Round Face?

short hair for round face
via lorealparisusa.com

Having a round face is like two sides of a coin; in one side, you can look cute with that baby-face shape, while the other side it makes you appears chubby. That’s why, the right hairstyle should be opted to make your face looks ‘long’. So, people tend to dodge away from short cut because most of the time, short hair emphasizes the volume of their face. Even most people think that short hair isn’t really their thing. Although it is only an experimental hairstyle, short hair for round face is something one should not talk about in the round face club (well, if there is something like that).

It is true that round face finds it troubling when it comes to short haircut. Apparently, the problem does not only lie on the voluminous impression the haircut makes, but also on short hair’s incapability to give face elongating feature. The thumb rule is, never show off your ears when you want to combine round face and short hair. Also, to keep in mind: do not make a straight-line, flat short haircut if you don’t want your special day with your short hair. Asymmetrical cut is best to apply here as it helps to ‘reduce’ the facial width as long as you keep the side hair to hide your ears. Spice up your look with confidence, and you will get the spotlight!


Shoo Off Those Bad Sayings about Short Hair for Round Face

Many people are shouting that ‘love yourself’ tagline, and it is a good deed to follow. Gratefulness makes our heart at ease, and that’s what you should do with yourself too. If you have a round face, it is not something that you should be ashamed of. There’s so much thing you can try with it; several of them will include fashion style, make up, and lastly, hairstyle.

While the way you mix and match clothes also requires you full assessment of your body, hairstyle is what correlates to your round face the most. Hairstyle also plays a role to boost one’s charm as it is one of the comprehensive dots linking to total beauty. If you think there are no public figures with amazing short hair for round face, you may need to further analyze – many actresses, singers, or others we find on TV have this face shape plus short hair.

Selena Gomez has a notable round facial feature that also often found with short cut. It seems like she is a living proof that a round face owner can be fit with any hairstyle, one of them being short hair. Oscar awardee Emma Stone, too – once she’s in short hair, it seems like her hairstyle complimenting her round face. Dig more on Google, and you’ll find Miranda Kerr surrounded by her short hair. This Australian-born model is more frequent found with a wavy, long hair, but once she has it short, you’ll never going to send your stare away.

That all means you don’t have to be doubtful when trying for a new hairstyle, like short hair for your round face. Know how to style it so that you can still be proud with your unique face shape. And well, love the process and be confident!


Is My Face Round? How to Style Myself with the Combo of Short Hair and Round Face?

Well, this article has no importance if you are not the one with round face who aimed to cut your hair short. Therefore, it’s important to know whether your face is round or, of course, not round. To know what your face shape is, grab a measuring tape, a paper and pen to note.

  • First of all, find the widest measures of your forehead from left to right.
  • Then, go down and using the same technique, measure your ear-to-ear width.
  • Going lower, find the tip of your jaw (usually found within several centimeters beneath your ears), and measure it left to right.
  • For the last step, find the center point of your forehead hair line. Then, take your measuring tape to get the length from that point to your chin.
  • Compare the measurement results.

If you have:

  • similar or same measures of forehead and jaw;
  • wider ear-to-ear (cheek) measures than the above measures;
  • similar or same width and length of your face
  • your jaw is not chiseled nor sharp

Then your face can be considered as round face.

Now how to apply short hair for round face? Just as mentioned earlier, there is a plethora of examples you can find literally anywhere; from magazine articles to even a post on Instagram. Copying a style from renowned persons can be a trick to style your hair too.


Styling Your Hair the Right Way

Enough chitchatting, let’s get into the business: dealing with your hair. While many are confused how to cut their hair, below are several essentials on how you should style short hair for round face:

  • Asymmetrical haircut.

Even with bob cut, make your parting lies diagonally, making it seems to be your one side is longer and more voluminous than the other.

  • Middle parting

Although it can be contradicting the previous point, having your hair parted on the middle should be suitable for ones with voluminous hair. For the hair, you can curl it a bit, such as creating a beach wave hairdo. Then, using your fingers, rake your hair to uncurl the wavy parts a little bit. That way, you will look slender since parts of your cheek are covered with hair.

  • Bangs

Who says round face should not go with bangs? As a matter of fact, bangs help to make your face looks smaller. Moreover, fringe-y hairstyle is said to make you look younger. So, what kind of bangs should you ‘apply’? You can go with literally any kinds of fringes, ranging from side-swept, or something as cute as frontal tapered bangs (that one looking like curtain – slightly opened).

  • The bob

To make bob cut suitable for your round face; you can proceed with a messy or long bob. Although it is called as long bob, it actually is not that long that it exceeds your shoulders. This too will require some curls to make your hair more voluminous, but way more loosened than the true beach wave hairstyle. With part of your hair hiding the cheek, this hairstyle is perfect for someone with round face, but craving for bob cut.

Aside from those aforementioned hairstyles, what about adding some colors to your hair? It is totally fine to color your hair, both entirely or using some technique like ombre (or the reversed one). For you who love to color your hair unicolor, it is best to try a color which is a few shades darker or lighter from your true hair color. What about having a color totally different from your natural hue? Nothing is going to stop you from doing that – even you can go for ombre colors!

If you do the ombre, the advice is to stick the root with darker colors. And as it goes down, the tone is brighter. With that in mind, reversed ombre isn’t that recommended, but still who can stop you from doing what you want?


More to Notice while Styling Your Hair

For some, it is not easy to style short hair for round face, as it applies many ‘rules’ to make your face looks flawless even with short hair – which is not advised for round face owners. But guess what, a round face itself is something you can be proud of. Why so? Thanks to the unchiseled jawline, your face emerges something like soft features. And together with this, you don’t have to be confused to decide which part of your face you want to accentuate with accessories. You can opt to have earrings, headbands, glasses, and even necklaces.

Let’s check below what you can do to accessorize yourself.

  • Earrings

As females, earrings are nothing but something that can help to balance your facial features. If eventually you decide to go with short hair, then choose earrings which will help to elongate your facial feature. This will become highly recommended once you got short neck as well. Choose long earrings, but not that long until its chain reaches your shoulder – just make it enough to help you balance the roundness of your face.

  • Headbands

Girly stuffs like headbands can help to make your look younger. Use a headband that lets your fringe to fall through it.

  • Necklaces

Just like earrings, necklaces are balancing accessories you can benefit from. Avoid short necklaces and in lieu of that, get something that has a long pendant. Pendants that create a V sign will help you to get that longer neck and help reduce the round impression.

  • Glasses

The thumb rule for short hair for round face is: opt out from round glasses. Instead, get yourself kind of geometric frames, like rectangular or square frames. The important thing is to get a pair of glasses which angle visible.