4 Simple Ways on How to Get Nail Polish Out of Carpet

how to get nail polish out of carpet

You have planned to spare some time to give your nails a new look since going out to the salon and get your nails professionally done takes a lot of time and money. You have set up a comfy nail polish space in the living room. But you accidentally spill a bottle of nail polish onto the carpet, and the relaxing day you spend on your own turn into an irritating moment in just a blink of an eye. Even if it’s a plush carpet that is perfect for lazing around, it’s essential to act quickly and know how to get nail polish out of carpet.

If it’s a hardwood floor, it doesn’t require any hard work to clean it up. With just a bit of water and a quick wipe, and you can instantly say goodbye to the nail polish stains. But it could be a whole different story if you do have a plush carpet. So how to get the polish stains off the rug? Is it even possible to get rid of it? The answer is yes. Here are things you have to know regarding how to get rid of the nail polish stains on the carpet.

How to Get Nail Polish Out of Carpet: First Thing to Do

If you are wondering how to eliminate the polish stains on the carpet, the followings are step by step you need to try first:

  1. Right after discovering the stains on the plush carpet, it’s important to act quickly by wetting them with cold water.
  2. Spray the stains with 20 hair spray pumps and 3-5 small sprinkles of rubbing alcohol. It’s the best way to do if you’re wondering how to get nail polish out of carpet.
  3. Directly scrub the stains by using a small brush for a minute. During the scrubbing process, keep pouring the stains with cold water.
  4. Repeat the whole process until the stains of nail polish are not visible anymore.

It’s important to note that there are many different ways of getting the polish stains of the rug. Also, it all depends on how long the polish stains have been there. Cleaning fresh blots are always much more manageable instead of the ones that have been staining the carpet for a while. Therefore, try to clean it up as quickly as possible. But do not ever scrub fresh stains as it will make it worse.

Another Approach to Remove Nail Polish Stains

There’s no need to be panic when you are considering how to get nail polish out of carpet; give these step-by-step solutions a try:

  1. As already mentioned above, the moment you have spilled a drop or even toss the entire nail polish bottle all over the rugs, try to absorb the stains as much as you can by using a clean, dry cloth or paper towel. Remember, do not scrub the polish stains as it will push them into the rug fibers. Scoop the excess with a spoon if you happen to toss the entire bottle of nail polish.
  2. In order to stop spraying the polish stains, continuously turn to a clean side of the paper towel. Do the same exact thing if you use a clean, dry cloth.
  3. Using a non-acetone nail polish cleanser to remove, apply a bit of it onto the stains. This should start to lift up the polish stains off of the rug. Before using the polish cleanser, make sure to test it on the carpet first to ensure that this substance is safe to use. You can also use hydrogen peroxide or Windex, but it all depends on the carpet type.


How to Remove Nail Polish Blots

You may have known how to get nail polish out of carpet, but once the excess is removed, you have to deal with the blots that have already started soaking into the rug fibers. Depending on the model of rugs, this seeping process might happen fast. Therefore it’s vital to act as quickly as possible. Knowing how fast the rug fibers can absorb the nail polish is very infuriating.

The best solution to get rid of the nail polish stains that have been soaking into the carpet is by following the steps in the previous paragraph. After the polish color has completely wiped out, get some warm water and soap to clean the chemicals seeping into the carpet. Using a liquid soap or dish detergent, pour some of them on a clean towel and scrub it over the stains.

Rinse the soap with clean, warm water and leave it dry right after you are finished scrubbing. If you do have a fan, try to aim it straight onto the wet spot. If you don’t have any, put some paper towels or cleans clothes over the damp area and put something heavy on the top of it to help it dry quicker.

Alternative Way to Remove Nail Polish Stains

You have to try a few methods before finding the right one for removing the nail polish stains from the carpet. Yet it all depends on the type of rugs and the size of polish stains. Removing nail polish stains is possible. However, it takes lots of patience and a bit of time.

If the methods in the previous paragraph proved to be unable to clean the stains, consider using vinegar or baking soda. If you use plain vinegar, thoroughly wet the stained spot, then put a vinegar soaked-towel over the area. Leave it for about ten minutes and gently scrub the stain until it’s gone.

If you’re giving the baking soda a try, sprinkle it over the stained area to thoroughly cover the stains. Pour ginger ale on the stained area and leave it for about ten minutes. Then, scrub it gently until the polish stains are removed. Last, rinse the spot with clean water or a wet towel.

The key point of how to get nail polish out of carpet is quickly taking action upon discovering a fresh stain. If you accidentally spill a bottle of nail polish, scoop the excess, and clean the remaining stains with hairspray, baking soda, polish cleaner, or even vinegar. Remember to not ever scrub the stains as it will make it worse.