Top 20 Best Family Guy Episodes of All Time (Up to 2017)

Best Family Guy Episodes of All Time 2017

KMazing – As hard as it is to trust, Family Guy has circulated for 15 years, first appearing on January 31, 1999. It’s been a long, fascinating street since. Family Guy figured out how to build up a clique following, survive cancellation, and come back to FOX more famous than any other time in recent memory. It’s generated a spinoff arrangement and made the maker Seth McFarlane a noteworthy man in Hollywood.

There are as of now 13 season of Family Guy on Netflix. There are some genuinely entertaining scenes from every single season. Be that as it may, which episode was the best one from every one of them? Obviously, there’s no complete approach to verify that however I attempt my best to aggregate the most interesting one for you all.

The show changed a ton throughout the years. In the early seasons, Family Guy was less advanced. The show had less dramatization, yet as I would like to think it was more clever in the initial five or so seasons. Later seasons contain better animation and more wise jokes, which influences the general nature of the show toward the better. Here are our top 20 pick for the best episodes of Family Guy.


Something, Something, Something Dark Side

“Something, Something, Something, Dark Side” was the second within the show’s triplet episode of Star Wars parodies. The title was taken from earlier cutaway joke wherever Emperor Palpatine discovered the formula for good Star Wars dialogue. And whereas the novelty issue from “Blue Harvest” wasn’t extremely there, it absolutely was still a fun parody.

The episode managed a balance between poke fun at the Star Wars universe and showing a reverence for one among the incomparable nice fantasy sagas. Highlights enclosed Peter riding a “DonDon” across the icy Norse deity piece of land and Chris encountering the Legion of Doom headquarters within the Dagobah swamp. it absolutely was a formula that would not become contend out till the third installment.

8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter

8 Simple Rules was another early sign that Family Guy weathered its cancelation, as well as might really be a superior show for its opportunity off the air. This scene was isolated along two fronts, with Stewie ending up excessively joined to his new sitter, LaDawn, and Peter pitching Meg to the Goldman family in the wake of racking up a colossal obligation at Goldman’s Pharmacy.

Fortunately, this scene came at a point where Stewie hadn’t totally covered his abhorrent neurotic side yet, so we got the opportunity to see him wreak some horrendous retribution on LaDawn’s sweetheart. The rage cited above is one of Stewie’s record-breaking incredible minutes on the show. It was diverting to watch Meg flip-slump between detesting Neil Goldman and being madly envious when another lady got his attention.

North by North Quahog

Peter and Lois choose to take a moment wedding trip to zest up their marriage. When they sneak into Mel Gibson’s private room at luxury hotel, Peter finds a spin-off of The Passion of the Christ. He chooses to dispose of it, yet Mel Gibson chases him down. The most intelligent joke, in any case, happens ideal in the opening of the scene, when Peter discloses to the family why they’ve been wiped out, and how unthinkable it will be for their show to return unless a rundown of different shows get drop.

I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar

The early periods of Family Guy were incredible in light of the fact that the pave the way to the fundamental story of every scene was additionally amusing. Peter going to a camp to connect with his female side is as entertaining as it sounds. Some exceptional features from “I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar” incorporate the old video Mr. Weed appears in his office, Peter’s fizzled endeavor to spy in the young ladies locker room, Peter’s appalling minute with Stewie, lastly Peter’s misjudged remarks at the Million Man March.

The last part of the scene is awesome as well. It took a hot battle including Lois to do it, however Peter at long last snaps back to his old, politically inaccurate self.

Sibling Rivalry

Prior to its brief cancelation, Family Guy presented the character Bertram as a potential younger sibling for Stewie, should Peter and Lois ever make the boneheaded move of having another kid. Each piece the somewhat little frantic virtuoso Stewie is, the two went separate ways accepting they’d be the best of companions once Bertram was really conceived.

This scene was brimming with expound fight groupings as the two foes conflicted swords and multitudes of babies in small scale contender planes and Apache helicopters duked it out. The fakeout finishing was really astute, as well, with Stewie swinging to Sopranos’ character Christopher Moltisanti to enable him to cover on what appeared to be Bertram’s body, yet was in truth only a tree.


At the point when Peter grows a mustache, he is mixed up for a firefighter and helps put out a fire at a nearby fast food eatery. The proprietor is so appreciative he gives Peter a boundless measure of burgers, which brings about Peter having a stroke. At the apex of his tirade against said eatery, Popeye’s Wimpy shows up, telling his acclaimed line, “I will happily pay you Tuesday for a ground sirloin sandwich today.” “McStroke” is virtuoso in that it strolls a barely recognizable difference between being hostile and silly.

I Dream of Jesus

“I Dream of Jesus” starts in the Nifty Fifties Diner, where Peter re-finds his adoration for the tune “Surfin’ Bird” by the Trashmen. For the whole first 50% of the scene, Peter fixates on the melody by discovering methods for slipping it into a discussion, conveying it to quaint little inn delivering a Public Service Announcement to remind everybody that “the flying creature is the word.” Sure, he meets and becomes a close acquaintance with Jesus Christ, yet the record is the star of this scene.

Quagmire’s Dad

Be that as it may, opposing desire, Dan Quagmire wasn’t a bold horndog like his child. Rather, he connected with his inward lady by getting a sex-change operation. Subsequently was conceived Ida Quagmire. The scene pulled in the typical kind of contention as it satirized a touchy subject, despite the fact that by Family Guy norms it was in reality truly kind to the transgender group.

What makes this scene so important is the enormous bend – Brian having a one-night stand with Ida and drawing Quagmire’s fierceness far more atrocious than it was recently.

Welcome Back Carter

Carter Pewterschmidt may be my tricky most loved for the most reliably funny character on Family Guy. Each time Carter is included, he says or accomplishes something humorous. One of the better parts about the last periods of the show is the inclusion of Carter character more and more. In this scene, we get the opportunity to perceive how sentimental love some time ago. It’s, uh, unique. In the advanced Family Guy world, Carter undermines his better half Babs. Just Peter knows however, and he utilizes the fact to get whatever he needs from his dad in-law.

Until the point that Peter goofs and enlightens Babs regarding the undertaking, prompting huge issues in the Pewterschmidt family. Fortunately with a little assistance from Peter, Carter can make strides towards saving his marriage.

Road to Rhode Island

“Street to Rhode Island” was one of the principal scenes to spotlight the connection amongst Stewie and Brian. At the point when Brian is feeling low, he volunteers to recover Stewie from Florida, where he’s been going to his grandparents. However, Brian gets alcoholic, they miss their plane and they’re compelled to bond on a street trip back to Quahog. In transit, Brian grapples with his affections for his mom, who he supposes relinquished him as a pup. “Street to Rhode Island” is part beginning story, part pal street trip story, and part arrange melodic. The scene where the two sing “Street to Rhode Island” joins present day jokes and great swing music, a strength of Seth MacFarlane’s speciality.

Da Boom

Family Guy is known for glimmering to apparently superfluous scenes that spoof popular culture amid a scene’s story. However, a couple of running stiflers fly up at times to divert long-term fans. One of those running muffles is Peter battling a man in a goliath chicken outfit. It started in “Da Boom,” when Peter keeps running into a man in a monster chicken suit who is pronouncing the apocalypse will touch base in Y2K. (“‘Y2K? What are you offering, chicken or sex jam?”) But Peter reprimands the monster chicken for a terminated coupon, which dispatches a battle that proceeds for a long, long time.


The whole scene of “PTV” is a hammer against the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC censors and manages TV demonstrates with the goal that nothing unseemly is broadcast amid primetime. In this scene, after a pant breakdown on the Emmys, the FCC starts censors Peter’s most loved shows. To battle back, he dispatches his own system, including my most loved piece of programming: The Peter Griffin Side-Boob Hour. In the end, the FCC likewise close down Peter, however not before we get a sharp tune sung by Peter, Stewie, and Brian about FCC rules, highlighting a montage of the most provocative clasps from Family Guy.

Extra Large Medium

“Extra Large Medium” went under assault when it circulated. Chris at long last asks out his love crush from school, a young lady named Ellen, who has Down Syndrome. While they’re at an eatery, Ellen discloses to Chris her mom is the previous legislative head of Alaska. Sarah Palin instantly assaulted the show and individuals from the media favored one side. Truly, ​Family Guy made a few boring jokes about individuals with Down disorder, yet the character herself was atypical of generalizations, bossing Chris around and being very requesting. Ellen was played by Andrea Fay Friedman, who was conceived with Down Syndrome. She discharged an announcement amid the uproar saying her family has confidence in having a comical inclination.

And Then There Were Fewer

Family Guy got surprisingly aggressive for its Season 9 debut. This hour-long scene filled in as a detailed satire of murder puzzles all in all and the Agathie Christie novel And Then There Were None specifically. James Woods came back to the arrangement to play himself, welcoming essentially every real Family Guy character to his remote, ocean side estate for a swanky supper party. In any case, once the lights went out and Woods was killed, the visitors set out on a wild eyed inquiry to discover the executioner in their middle of the crowd.

When the tidy settled, a few characters had kicked the bucket, including Muriel Goldman, Diane Simmons, and Woods himself. And keeping in mind that Woods inevitably swindled passing in a later season, whatever remains of the dead remained as such.

Baking Bad

Albeit “Baking Bad” is unmistakably a reference to Breaking Bad, there is no meth associated with this incredible season 13 episode of Family Guy. There is a treat themed strip club and a couple of mediations in this scene, however. Peter and Lois begin a treat store after Lois finds an old treat formula to use for a blood drive. The store doesn’t do alright to survive however, so Peter is compelled to roll out a few improvements to the plan of action. That went about and additionally could get more customer.

In the wake of understanding that sex offers superior to anything treats do, Peter employs a cluster of strippers to work at the store. In spite of the fact that at first it’s only a treat store including strippers, “Peter’s Wife’s Cookies” soon changes into a strip club with treat designs.

Quagmire’s Quagmire

“Quagmire’s Quagmire” is an episode full of adoration and love. Or, then again, more particularly, the contorted sort of adoration introduce in Family Guy. The two characters to go into extremely odd connections in this scene are Quagmire and Stewie. Random minutes from this very episode incorporate the posse’s initially excursion to the Apple Store, the Model T cutaway, Oscar’s compositions, Quagmire’s quality time with his dad, and Peter’s adventure to find strategies for Quagmire in his carport.


At last, we needed to give the gesture to Peter over Brian and Stewie. We generally adore a decent “Peter goes crazy” scene, and none superior than “Petard.” It all began with Peter releasing a Trivial Pursuit triumph to his head. In any case, in the wake of being tested to apply for a MacArthur Genius Grant, Peter is rather named as being rationally hindered. That prompted a hilarious move in fortunes where first Peter regretted his evil fortune at that point acknowledged he could misuse his disable to escape with anything and figured out how to send Lois to the healing center and lose care of his youngsters to Cleveland. It was one long, clever adventure.

Given the topic, “Petarded” went under a decent lot of investigation and even some restriction. This is one situation where you have truly observed the scene until you’ve viewed the uncut DVD edition. The show was taking care of business with this scene, with melodic numbers and family dramatization to move down the hostile diversion.

Leggo My Meg-O

Family Guy has an astonishing measure of entertaining Liam Neeson minutes, however this Taken satire in season 10 may be the best one of all. Meg gets stole amid her excursion to Paris, leaving Stewie and Brian as her expectation for survival. The best arbitrary minutes from this scene are the Ethiopian scene of Hoarders, the telephone call Stewie recorded of Brian conversing with costumer service, Peter’s telephone call with Meg’s ruffians, the dodgeball game toward the start of the scene, and obviously Stewie’s dancing scene.

Lois Comes Out Of Her Shell

At the point when Peter gives Lois a totally debasing discourse at her unexpected birthday party, she snaps. To adjust for her age, Lois begins acting like a youthful, 20-something-year-old young lady. Peter is excited at to begin with, until the point that she begins moving unreasonably quick for him to stay aware of. While that entire thing is going on, Stewie needs to manage another turtle companion. Stewie brings him home from the recreation center and adores him at in the first place, yet the turtle– named Sheldon– over and over tries to slaughter him.

The best minutes from the scene incorporate a convenient Super Mario appearance, Conway Bieber, Peter thumping Justin Bieber, Edward Scissorhands working two jobs as a nursemaid, and the intricate phony market where Peter sets up to trick Lois.

Blue Harvest

I adore Star Wars satires, and Family Guy has paid respect to each of the three unique motion pictures. In “Blue Harvest,” when the Griffin family’s energy goes out, Peter relates the best story at any point told: Star Wars! Peter gives himself a role as Han Solo, Lois as Princess Leia, Chris as Luke Skywalker, Stewie as Darth Vader, Brian as Chewbacca, Quagmire as C-3PO and Cleveland as R2-D2. This spoof of Star Wars: A New Hope is right on target, including the diverting fight between the Millennium Falcon and an armada of TIE warriors, with Peter deh-deh-deh-ing the foundation score.